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Florist's Choice Bouquet

Florist's Choice Bouquet

$70.00 NZD

Picture is indicative of the SIZE of a $85.00 value Florist's Choice Pastel Bouquet - NOT OF THE FLOWERS YOU WILL RECEIVE.

Our florists will use the best value flowers on the day to create your arrangement. 

Keep it simple with Florist's Choice!

  1. Choose between Bright, Pastel or Cream & White flowers.
  2. Choose how much you want to spend

A Florist's Choice Bouquet is a great choice for sending to a home or where the recipient will have a vase handy.

(If you are sending to a hospital or workplace we recommend our Florist's Choice Vox)

All our bouquets are sent wet wrapped to ensure they arrive looking great - and flower care instructions are included to help the recipient keep them looking that way!

Additional $15 for Auckland Metropolitan Delivery / $20 for Outer Auckland Delivery (added at checkout)

No additional charge for pickup

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